Incredible news! Not one, but our two local ferry companies, Freedom Fast Cats and Keppel Konnections have both received permits to provide WHALE WATCHING commencing this winter!

Freedom Fast Cats have announced their successful whale watching permits with tours to start in July this year and run through to September, with morning (8.30am to 11.30am) and afternoon (1pm to 4pm) tours from Monday to Saturday (Prices Adult $78, Child $50, Family $220).

Keppel Konnections are currently designing their whale watching tours to provide a different format so the two companies can complement, rather than compete.

With 33,000 whales expected to be travelling up and down the East coast of Australia this season, our visitors are sure to spot these gentle giants in Keppel Bay. 

This news is incredible exciting for our locals and visitors and I commend both Freedom Fast Cats and Keppel Konnections for being proactive in obtaining permits to expand their ferry/cruise offerings to include whale watching tours which greatly value adds to our tourism portfolio.

Source: Capricorn Enterprise

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