TOWER Holdings refuses to give up on its $600 million Great Keppel Island project even as the September deadline for development approvals attached to the lease approach.

It's been 10 years since Tower began its Great Keppel Island journey but it's been forced to wait for another change of government to advance their 1500-job redevelopment of Great Keppel Island Resort.

"In the past two weeks I have spent five days in Hong Kong by invitation, talking with investors solely about GKI," Mr Agnew said.
"This is really simple, we are ready to move forward, we just need the State Government to come to the party."

Mr Agnew said the entire fiasco could be avoided if the State Government were to honour election promises by Brittany Lauga to support the Great Keppel Island redevelopment's request for an integrated resort development licence application.

Under an LNP government, two integrated resort development licenses will be issued for the state with one of these licenses earmarked for Central and North Queensland.

"We are shovel ready and could begin construction within 12 months if we are granted the integrated resort development licence," Mr Agnew said.

"It has now been 10 years and we are still here, most developers would have given up, we haven't because we want this development to go ahead."

Click here to watch the GKI development Video 

Read Here: https://www.themorningbulletin.com.au/news/gki-developer-says-casino-dream-still-alive-as-cri/3211207/?ref=hs#/0

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