Perfectly situated in the busy main street of Yeppoon, James St Plaza lounge is suited for small businesses to occupy within the facility.
Ideally suited to a business needing a professional office to take their business to the next level without the outlay of manning a shop/office.

11 office spaces featuring;
- Sound suppressed private office.
- Ready to move in no fit-out required, various sizes.
- Each Suite has own Air-Conditioning unit (fully maintained).
- All outgoings including electricity and cleaning of common areas.
- Paging system for your Clients to let you know they have arrived.
- A4 signage frame for your Suite door.
- Directory Sign on the front window with your Suite number and your business name.
- Plumbing in walls if a sink is required.
- Security System.
- Beautiful air-conditioned reception/waiting area for clients to relax.
- Brand new kitchenette to relax and enjoy.
- All outgoings including electricity for one low weekly amount.

Suites available;
- Suite 1
- Suite 2
- suite 3
available $250+GST
- Suites 5
- Suite 4 and 6
- Suite 7
- Suite 8
- suite 9
- Suite 10
- Suite 11

Contact Troy for more information or to book an inspection.